The A-Z Method For Losing Weight Sustainably

To Lose Weight And Keep It Off Forever

The A-Z Method For Losing Weight Sustainably

"To Lose Weight And Keep It Off Foreverโ€

  • The Number #1 Thing You Need To Lose Weight Is: Accountability

  • If You Are Struggling Right Now, It's Because You Don't Have The Right: Accountability

  • If You're Busy And Feel Like Losing Weight Is Impossible You Need: Accountability

  • If You Feel Lost With Your Nutrition or Workouts You Need: Accountability

  • If You Finally Want to Achieve Your Goals Effortlessly = Accountability

My One Goal In this training is to help you understand, not just how to lose weight, but how to do it effortlessly and how to maintain your results forever.

If you stay to the very end, and listen to everything I say in this training, take notes and more importantly take action.

It will quite literally be impossible to not lose weight and finally achieve the body of your dreams.

Welcome to the DFIT Method - The Only Weight Loss Guide You Will Need!

Before starting I think it's important to highlight some of the trials and tribulations I've personally gone through, trust me this won't be bs. I'Il get to the information very soon, but stick with me for a few minutes.

My first attempt at getting in shape was to not eat carbs doing countless cardio sessions that i hated and doing random exercise i thought i was benefiting from.

So after 1 and a half years of diets, doing 2-3 hour workouts everyday, and spending hours on the treadmill I had made little to no progress.

At this point I was very defeated as I am sure many of you have felt along your fitness journeys. Around this time I decided it was time to create my own method to achieve my goals and maintain those results forever.

Then i discovered the DFIT Method.

I Just went on holiday with my family ate everything and stayed in shape because of this Method.

Lets get into some clients that have used this on themselvesโ€ฆ

๐Ÿš€ Client Wins ๐Ÿš€

I love all my clients, but none of them are unique or special when it comes to making progress

  • They didn't know how to properly track food or eat "the right foods"

  • They aren't top 1% athletes

  • They didn't know how to workout efficiently in only 1 hour

  • They are all busy people who have families, work, and friends

  • They all had struggles and stress

Most were beginners with little to 0 experience when it comes to workouts or nutrition They are all everyday people who live busy and stressful lives.

The only difference between you and them is that they are using the DFIT Method.

The 3 Steps You Need to take to finally achieve the fitness goals you've been chasing for years

  1. Accountability & Habits

  2. Nutrition

  3. Workouts

The DFIT Method.

To lose weight and keep it off forever, First you must be held accountable and establish the habits of a disciplined person. Once you've established the habits, you need to execute them each and everyday for your success. Next you need to have a sustainable nutrition plan in place that you can follow for the rest of your life. Lastly you need an easy yet effective workout plan that will only take 1 hour of your time... This is how you create a healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life.

So what is the best way to do all of that... it's with the GC Method! Before | share how to lose weight and keep those results forever I have to break down step one of the Method, which is establishing habits

1. Accountability & Habits

Part #1

  • When building habits it is important to remember that you cannot do everything all at once or you are destined to fail

    • To succeed you must first implement tracking foods and steps, then add in a meal plan, then lastly add in workouts

      • This step by step method works together to create a sustainable plan for the future

  • To accomplish the first habit of tracking food you would track what you would normally eat for 1 week using my fitness pal.

    • By doing this you are easily able to do 1 simple task that will set you up for the future. Building the first habit.

  • After this you will see how many calories you consumed per day and how your weight changed as well. So we know exactly what our next move is when it comes to calorie intake!

Mike lost 6kg in the first 2 weeks just from implementing this daily step strategy into his lifestyle!

Part #2

  • Also during the first week you will have to wear a Fitbit or apple to watch to track your daily steps! Apple Health also works and connects to my app.

  • This is an easy habit to form as all you need to do is slap it on your wrist and you're ready to go, or leave your phone in your pocket!

  • After 1 week of tracking steps you will implement a daily step goal and slowly progressive overload it up. For example 5,000, 7,000, 8,000, 9000.

By following this method and doing these simple steps my client Jesse lost 4kg in only 3 weeks! He had been stuck trying to lose weight for over 2 years!!

2. Nutrition & Workouts

If you want to implement the DFIT Method into your lifestyle and

Lose Weight And Keep It Off Forever.

Book a FREE Consultation with me Now!

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๐Ÿ“ฝ๏ธ Watch my story video Video

๐Ÿ‘‡How I went from suffering with Severe Anxiety to Successful Fitness Coach ๐Ÿ‘‡

Here's to your success! ๐ŸŽ‰

Warm regards, Coach Vinny!
